Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Surveying For Public Prayer

I made a little survey, and made a chart of the results, for at least 20 kids of every grade level to get a little idea of what people think about Praying in Schools. I was shocked, but glad to see that nobody said yes. I didnt get one person saying that praying in school is wrong. So...that makes me wonder, why is it so bad to pray in school or have a prayer club, when no one thinks it's wrong? I think the government and principals in public schools should re-think this idea of not being able to have prayer clubs, or anything like that. I think everyone would be surprised of what prayer can do, if only they would let prayer clubs be ok in schools.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Great job! this is a good idea like ive said i probably won't join but if no body has a problem then why not?